Friday, May 29, 2020

How to Take Care of Yourself When Out of Work [Top 3 Essentials]

How to Take Care of Yourself When Out of Work [Top 3 Essentials] When people lose their jobs they need to do three key things in order to maintain their health and well being. Some people don’t want to work but for others unemployment can be a difficult time and there is a lot of research which warns us of the dangers of people sinking into depression when unemployed. Following this recipe for taking care of yourself will have multiple benefits, if you are more cheerful you will interview better, maintain your momentum and have a list of positive things that you have done to talk about to prospective employers. So what are the things that you need to do to take of yourself? 1) Treat getting another job as a job By: Gish It is all very well and good to have a break but set yourself a date when you are going to start the serious business of getting work. Treat the task like a job of work. Create a space in which to work, keep records, set goals and allocate time in which to do it. Make yourself work at it. The main reason that people who are out of work don’t get another job is because they give up. Research shows that a lot of people, when they get a job rejection give up rather than carrying on applying. Perseverance is important. So set yourself goals and monitor your progress against them. Reward yourself if you meet them. 2) Get moving By: EvgeniyaMelone Not working is a very sedentary activity. In the space of a day in the office or workplace you probably walked several thousand paces. Going to the loo, to the coffee point, to the printer meant you got some exercise, never mind the process of going to and from work. At home if you are not working, you may find that you just don’t need to walk as far, you have access to more food, get up later and generally move less. So in order to prevent waist expansion you need to factor some exercise into your routine. As well as keeping the weight down â€" or even reducing it- exercise has other benefits. Aerobic exercise will generate serotonin â€" the happy hormone that keeps you feeling good. Meeting your fitness goals makes you recognise that you are accomplishing something, exercising will help you look better tooincreasing your self esteem. Some people will say I can’t afford a gym, but you don’t have to use a gym to walk, you don’t need special equipment to lift tins of beans or do step ups on the stairs. Look out for ‘green gyms’ or ‘trim trails’ in parks where both resistance and aerobic equipment are provided free and with the added benefit of fresh air. 3) Get doing One of the challenges of being without work is that people find that they start to feel that they are of no use or have no value. So the third essential thing you need to do is to something that increases your sense of self worth. This could be any one of a number of things: learn a new skill (libraries are still free at point of use), perfect a skill, do some good in the world. I don’t mean that you have to become a missionary and go to Africa to do voluntary work but practise ‘Random Acts of Kindness’. There is a lot of research that this makes people happier, giver and receiver. So find ways of pleasing others. That might mean visiting a relative or an old person in your community, walking someone’s dog, cutting a hedge, fetching a pint of milk, playing footie with the neighbour’s kids. You might want to try and raise money for charity or commit to more regular activity such as listening to reading at the local school (remember that lots of activities like this require C RB checks so it is not an activity you can take up immediately) Your acts of kindness do not have to be large or time consuming but they will help you to focus on others and give you some satisfaction and feeling of self worth. Take care not to create a dependency you won’t be unemployed for long! Do you have any other tips? Share them in the comments below!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Keep your cool this Christmas University of Manchester Careers Blog

Keep your cool this Christmas University of Manchester Careers Blog So that’s it, semester one is almost over and many of you are getting ready to head home (or elsewhere) for the winter break. Whether you’re a first year student that’s just made it through your first ever semester at uni, or a seasoned postgrad that knows these winter breaks like the back of your hand, there can be so much going on at this time of year that your future career probably won’t be at the front of your mind. Which is fine… youve got your upcoming exams or dissertation to tackle while smiling politely through family dinners and social occasions. Until that dreaded question comes up: what are your plans after university? What do you want to do with your degree? Cue awkward silence, followed by a muttered response about travelling the world, being snapped up by a major company in London or finally writing that best-selling book. Don’t worry, you’re not alone in hating that moment â€" whether you know what you want to do with your future or not. I graduated over four years ago and still get irrationally annoyed whenever someone asks about my career plans. So I thought I’d share my top tips on dealing with this social anxiety and being that cool, calm and collected person with everything under control. High quality decorations in the Careers Service office: Rodney the Reindeer What to tell the family this Christmas Friends and family are bound to ask about what youve been up to this semester and what you plan to do next. To handle this question like a pro, I have three tips: Don’t be scared to say that you don’t know what you want to do yet. Many people don’t â€" so many that we have a whole webpage dedicated to just that. There is no shame in spending some time to work out what you enjoy and deciding what might be right for you. Even if youve spent the semester enjoying yourself and making friends, fact is you WILL have developed your skills. It doesnt matter how you acquired them â€" are you a better communicator now that youve worked with (or maybe even had a few clashes with) people from very different backgrounds to yourself? Have you learnt about time management the hard way, having left your work until the last minute? Don’t panic about what youve not done, but focus on what you have achieved. Use these skills as a starting point. Rejection is nothing to be ashamed of. Learning to deal with a set back and turn it into something positive is one of the best lessons you can learn. So don’t fret if you didnt get that job you wanted; pick yourself up and keep going. If you need further inspiration, check out these celebs, all of whom were rejected before making it big. Socialising, socialising, socialising There are so many social events at this time of year, it can be exhausting. And don’t worry, I’m not going to say “any event is a networking opportunity”. You should enjoy yourself and switch off sometimes. But I will say this: Be honest about what you are thinking about for your future. You may find that friends and family have suggestions to help you out â€" maybe by putting you in touch with someone useful. No pressure. By all means, have fun, but be aware of what you’re sharing on social media. Are you tagged in any pictures on Facebook that an employer may not look favourably upon? Are there photos on your Instagram that you wouldnt want a potential boss to see? Here are some tips on managing your digital footprint. If you’re exhausted from being sociable in real life, why not spend a bit of time on your professional profile online? Join LinkedIn if you haven’t done already, and put some time into creating a great profile. Get started here. Don’t freak out about being “last minute” Got friends that have already secured an internship for the summer, or landed that grad scheme? That competitive panic can creep in….but it’s all part of the plan, right? Remember that: Yes, many of the graduate schemes with big companies close in October/November. But these schemes only account for a small proportion of the UK job market. There will be graduate level jobs advertised all year round â€" especially in the education sector, media, arts, charities and smaller companies. Look at employers that you might not know much about. There is plenty of time to find the right opportunity for you. There are still summer internships out there â€" just search on CareersLink for those still advertising. Alternatively, our Summer Experiences Internships programme, in which second year undergrads take an internship either within the Uni or a not-for-profit organisation, is not even open for summer 2017 yet. So nothing to worry about yet, is there? Exams Dissertations Feeling stressed about having to do some work and revision over the winter break? Try to keep on top of things while you’re away from uni to prevent too much stress when you’re back. Here are a couple of things to help: Exam support workshops in AGLC every day between Monday 9 and Friday 20 January. Check out what we’re offering here. While you’re not on campus, remember that the University provides a wealth of online resources to help with things from assignments, dissertations, presentations, or, well, anything really! Search for what you’re after here. I guarantee there will be something to help. So that’s it for my tips for being in control over your winter break. Of course I have other tips, like don’t eat a full packet of mince pies in one go (speaking from experience, you won’t feel great afterwards). Don’t spend all of your money on overpriced mulled wines (ditto). But above anything else, have a great break and we’ll see you in the New Year! All Careers advice Graduate I don't know what to do International Postgraduate Undergraduate Undergraduate-highlighted careers Getting started networking social media

Friday, May 22, 2020

How a Blog Can Connect You with Your Brand Audience - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

How a Blog Can Connect You with Your Brand Audience - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Your personal brands website is a calling card for your business your blog is the portal through which your customers can connect with you. With so much information being published each day it is more important than ever to have an effective content strategy. There are some key benefits to writing remarkable content in order to expand your audience. Standing out from the competition with personalization It is not enough to just publish a blog post each article should be tailored to your target market and their needs and desires. In fact most visitors who arrive at your website are new readers, and you want to encourage them to want to know more. Not only can your brand use a blog to better connect with your community, but to also announce new products or services, events, and provide useful information that can actually be converted into a video series, infographic, or eBook later on. In addition to being a powerful branding tool there are several other benefits of maintaining a regular content strategy: Drives more traffic to your website Blog posts are still a large part of Internet consumption when tailored directly to the pressing issues of your audience. Your content has the potential of being viewed by thousands of visitors each day who can share your articles and visual media to their social networks. Think of this as the gift that keeps on giving! Generates higher conversions Once you have successfully captured the interest of your readers and have attracted them as subscribers the earning potential begins. With a powerful call to action that compels them to make a decision you can continue to nurture them online and through email in order to move them into becoming a ready buyer. Establishes authority After your brand has written a good number of original and fresh content you have the opportunity to interact with influencers and other bloggers who will eventually recommend your business as a go-to source. This is done through careful relationship building instead of a sales approach once you share and leave feedback on their content they will be more likely to return the favor. Builds a higher page rank on search Your blog posts work together with social media to help your brand appear higher in search. Today its not just about what search terms are being used, but rather the reactions and conversations coming out of your articles. A blog for your brand can be one of the most powerful marketing strategies that should not be missed, as long as you are delivering the image and message of your business that sets you apart from the competition. The same rules apply to both large brands and smaller enterprises content will continue to be a main driver to attract a loyal following and higher sales.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Whats in a LinkedIn photo

Whats in a LinkedIn photo Want that Interview? 5 Ways to Nail Your First Impression First impressions count! We all know it â€" yet nailing the best first impression can take some time, especially when you’re putting yourself out there on so many different channels. With your resume being all about your “do”, you can feel like there’s not a lot of room for a photo which leaves hiring managers searching the web to get a visual.  Your LinkedIn photo is one of your best shots at getting your foot in the door and into the minds of your prospective bosses, before you’ve even opened your mouth to introduce yourself. We’ve gathered top tips to ensure you’re set to impress, right from the get go! Smile with teeth! There’s a science behind smiling! Research shows people who smile in photos exude a more approachable and professional vibe. In fact, psychologists from Princeton University found that it takes just a thousandth of a second to form an impression of someone when looking at a photo of their face. Interestingly, a study found that a closed mouth smile was only half as likely to make you look more likeable, so let those pearly whites shine! But let’s not get too carried away, laughing in your picture could have a negative impact on your perceived competence and influence. Less is more Remember this is about YOU. You need to be front and center, the focus of attention (as per the usual). Make sure your background is plain with no distracting features that may outshine you, or keep the background simple and inviting. Best to avoid sunglasses, social engagements (even if you looked great at that wedding) and anything that isn’t “meeting ready”. Keep the spotlight on your face. This picture is all about you, but that doesn’t mean it has to include ALL of you. The best practice is to use a photo that shows you from the shoulders up. Now you might be thinking this means it’s the perfect excuse to take a selfie, but this is a big no no! There’s three big problems when it comes to taking a selfie:      Self-taken shots tend to be lower quality particularly when it comes to lighting.      Selfies are associated with being laid-back and informal- not a good look for a professional shot.      It’s lazy. Give the camera to someone else! Grab a friend or a tripod and take a couple shots for yourself to really suss out the best look for you. Keep it light! Lighting plays a hugely important role in creating the perfect picture. Natural lighting, and out of direct sunlight gives the most flattering and natural look to your photo. Lighting Hacks Not everyone can afford studio quality lighting or a pro photography crew to make sure all your best features are accentuated, so for those who plan to DIY, here’s a few quick lighting hacks: Consider Your Background- Like we mentioned before, a plain background is the best when it comes to making you the focus of attention. But the colour of the background can also affect the quality of the shot. If you have white walls or tiles use them! Strong colours like blue or red will leave a colour on your face that might not look the best. If you can’t find a white background, try find a background with softer colours for the next best results. Make the Most of Natural Light- Natural light that’s soft and diffused is always best. Try positioning yourself in front of light filtering in through a window. This will give your photos that magic glowing touch. Keep Lights at Eye-Level- Light sources coming from eye-level are the most flattering for faces. Lights from above can create unattractive shadows and from below can make you look like the kid from the Exorcist. PROTIP: Avoid filters your instagram profile should have no cross over with your LinkedIn profile. Dress To Impress Professional clothing is a must. I hate pulling out the iron, but for the purpose of a LinkedIn profile you need to be looking the part. Research found that wearing formal dress was the biggest factor when it came to raising your perceived competence and influence. Collars are particularly important for framing your face rounded necklines make your face look rounder (and who wants that), whereas straighter collars make your face look more angular. Pro Tip: In one word, the key to nailing your look is simplicity. When it comes to doing hair and makeup, don’t overdo it. Your bosses need to recognise you on interview day! For your work-wear, take some inspiration from places like Uniqlo and HM. Their clothing is sleek and simple. This kind of look appeals to a wider audience, and we want you to be raking in as much attention as you can! Bottomline: Your pic is a powerful tool that shouldn’t be underestimated. Despite its power, don’t forget to make the rest of your resume shine. Consider using a template in Canva, or approaching a graphic designer to give you the extra special edge that will get you noticed in a pool of applicants. Good luck and happy hunting! Author Bio: Judy is the Practice Manager at Inner West Orthodontics in Sydney. Judy loves to see the amazing change in patients post treatment especially their self esteem boost! In her spare time you can catch Judy in the garden or at her local pilate studio. Title Image Licensed from Shutterstock via

Friday, May 15, 2020

Public transport etiquette for commuters going to work or university

Public transport etiquette for commuters going to work or university This post was written by an external contributor. Connor Gotto shares the best practices for all commuters  on public transport.   For many of us, the journey into work or university can make or break the rest of the day. Give us a fairly quick and relaxed ride, and we’ll be ready for whatever life has to throw at us. But, as soon as one thing goes wrong, it starts a domino effect, and you can guarantee it’ll carry on until the day’s over. There are some things we just can’t control, much to our dismay. But aside from traffic, delays, and the weather, there’s one key factor that we can keep in check on public transport ourselves! The way that we act on our commute can have a major impact on someone else’s day. So let’s be real, no one wants to be responsible for giving someone the day from hell. Here are what we think are the ghastliest sights you’ll encounter on your journey to work/university. But remember, much as you may laugh at some of them, make sure that none of them are secretly you! “Deodorant, please…” Mornings are the worst time to ride public transport. Anyone who’s ever ridden the central line in peak hours will know that. Countless people crammed in a confined space for any period of time is never going to replicate Chanel No.5, but the least you can do is remember to put your deodorant on before leaving the house! I mean, what’s that about? It doesn’t help that the smell of body odour is so strong it’ll cut right through a thousand spritzes of Dior, Calvin Klein and Jo Malone. There’s always one, and you can always call them out a mile off even though they seem totally oblivious to the fact that all anyone can smell is them… Don’t let it be you! “Manspread alert!” Anyone who’s ever commuted into the city will know what we’re talking about here. Why is it that some people (typically businessmen?) feel the need to sit with their legs three miles apart? It’s so bizarre! Perhaps it’s a side effect of wearing a pinstripe suit, but it needs to stop. Not only does manspreading take up twice the amount of space it needs to, it also leads to some uncomfortable sitting positions for the rest of us. Fellow passengers have to contort their bodies to avoid any form of eye contact with a sea of crotches… Don’t do it. Its just awkward. “Too close for comfort” Yes, we know public transport gets cramped in the morning. However, there’s absolutely no need to be frotting against the nearest person, like a cat against a scratching post. Its totally inappropriate. There is a serious point here, however, because behaviour like this can make someone feel incredibly uncomfortable, especially when trapped in a confined space. If you do feel unnerved in this kind of situation and don’t know what to do, get off and wait for the next bus or train. It’s better to be 10 minutes late than to have to endure that kind of intimidation. Remember, if someone is persistently getting close and deliberately making you uncomfortable, this type of behaviour is harassment. It can be reported by the following means: ? Text the transport police on 61016 (if youre based in London) ? Call 101 or 0800 40 50 40 ? Use the passenger alarm ? Approach a nearest staff member in the bus or tube “Bacon sarnie to go…” Eating on public transport can be a real pet peeve for some people. It makes a smell, the sound of chewing is amplified, and you can guarantee you’ll end up with a bit of egg stuck in your hair if you’re within a metre of the culprit. In the mornings especially, the smell of fried bacon and coffee is rife throughout the majority of trains and buses up and down the country. Now, we’re not saying don’t eat, just give it a bit of thought. Bring your hot drink in a lidded cup, or else you’ll be wearing it by the first bump. The same applies to porridge. If you can, eat your fried feast before you get on or after you get off. Not only will this save stinking the carriage out, it’ll also lessen the after-smell on you! And, most of all, check for dribbles before you walk into the office. It’s not a good look! “Zzzzzzzz” Last, but definitely not least, the snorer. We’ve all seen them and wondered, should I wake them, or should I leave them. It’s quite the predicament. Just use some judgement; if they’re dressed in business attire, and you’re going through the business district, a gentle nudge will probably be well received. Similarly, if you’re near the end of the route and there’s only a few stops, better wake them and give them the choice than have them travel back on themselves. And, please, don’t be the snorer. Get a decent night’s sleep. The last thing you want is a candid snap of you asleep on the train doing the rounds on social media! Download Debut  and  connect with us on  Facebook,  Twitter  and  LinkedIn  for more careers insights.

Monday, May 11, 2020

4 Things to Do When Quitting Your Job to Make Yourself Shine

4 Things to Do When Quitting Your Job to Make Yourself Shine This is a guest post by Jason Sanders, Vice President of Executive Search at Ivy Exec, a web-based recruiting company that combines next generation technology with human power to deliver customized hiring solutions targeting high caliber professionals to help place them in executive jobs. A number of years ago, I had an employee who became dissatisfied. I think he became frustrated with his compensation, but he also hadn’t accomplished what he needed to earn an additional bonus. Undoubtedly, he had other issues on his mind as well.He finally decided that he needed to leave our firm, so he decided to interview with other companies. After securing a new position, he came to me to ask for a bonus one last time. He asked. I answered, no. He said, “In that case, I quit!” I felt burned, and lied to, and inadequate all at the same time.Informing your boss that you will be leaving your company is rarelyeasy or enjoyable. Most people face this situation several times over the course of their careers, and have the opportunity to keep or destroy relationships in the process. You may be able to ease anxiety around this process by keeping a few clear principles in mind as you resign your position.There are four fundamental things to keep in mind when giving notice:Be certain of your decision, and clear in your delivery of the news. Select who should hear directly from you, and in what order. Treat people the way you would want to be treated. Prepare. The first thing you need to do before giving notice is to be absolutely sure you want to leave the firm, and understand why you have made this decision. Everyone has their own tricks for making important decisions. I knew a person, who flipped a coin to decide between two options. He checked his reaction, and if he was happy with the coin flip, he followed it. If, on the other hand, he was disappointed, then his emotional reaction steered him against the flip.Personally, I like to talk with my wife, an advisor, or even ta lk with myself about important choices. Vocalization is very important to me because I will hear whether the reasons for my decision are substantial or just rationalizations. Some people prefer the plus/minus column method. Whatever you choose, make sure you understand your reasoning, so that you will convey an unambiguous conclusion.Clarity and decisiveness help people understand your state of mind, and help them begin to process their own reaction to your decision. Recognize the importance of the initial presentation, and handle its delivery care. I find it helpful to talk for a while after delivering bad news. This gives people a chance to process the news before offering a response. Start out in a clear, definitive way, “Unfortunately, I need to tell you that I have decided to leave the company…” Afterwards, you should plan to spend at least a couple of minutes talking without looking for any input from your boss. This will give him the time to absorb your news, and adjust his mind set to the conversation you are about to have. Once you see that the news has clicked in, you can begin to have a dialog.You should try to make the conversation as short as possible, while remaining professional and respectful. Ask for a 30-minute window, but plan for a 10 to 15 minute dialog. This time frame allows time for the news to sink in, without forcing a hasty discussion about next steps. The additional 15 minutes gives your boss time to adjust to the news before his next piece of business for the day.During the conversation with your boss, the topic of transition may arise. You should try to delay this discussion because you will both need time to process your emotional reactions. Take your time and let the situation unfold. Don’t try to force your way through it just to get past the bad feelings.Bring a signed resignation letter with you to your meeting. You should keep this safely hidden away until the end of your conversation. Beginning the conversation by p lacing a letter on someone’s desk shows insecurity, and perhaps a lack of respect. Placing it there at the end signifies finality. A brief resignation letter brings the conversation to a close for you and for your boss. Also, you will feel much better typing it before your discussion, rather than afterwards.Travel schedules may interfere with giving notice face to face. If this is the case, plan for a phone call. Avoid giving notice by email, and avoid sending your letter of resignation in electronic form. A written letter conveys substance, thought and finality, where emails may be taken more lightly, and may be shared more easily. You want to keep that document in as few hands as possible.During discussions with you boss, one possible reaction is to try to keep you in the company. If you do not present your decision clearly, you leave room for the possibility of a counteroffer. You should consider the possibility of a counteroffer and what its impact could be upon you before giv ing notice. If you have any hesitation, then you are really in a salary negotiation, not a departure.Once you have told your boss, try to relax and get away from the office. You need to let things settle and get ready for transition discussions and notifying your colleagues. If possible, the best time to give notice is on Friday. This will give you and your boss time to absorb the impact before re-engaging.If possible, revisit the discussion with your boss before notifying colleagues and clients. This demonstrates respect for your supervisor and the business interests of the company. Once you feel comfortable with his reaction, you need to inform your co-workers.Think about the order of whom you will tell, and whether you need to talk with them face-to-face or over the phone. You should try to move quickly through these conversations to exercise some measure of control over the flow of information. You may also want to ask for a short period of confidentiality with the first people you notify. This will give you time to begin to set up important relationships for the future. You may use email or voicemail to ask colleagues to speak with you, but never leave notice that way. If they are not important enough to tell personally, then let them find out through someone else.Situations with co-workers vary so much that that it is difficult to offer specific advice about individual conversations. In general, you should take your time to consider who to talk with, try to have these conversations all on one day, and give the news in the way that you would want to receive it.Giving notice comes down to preserving relationships. If you didn’t need any connections, you could just walk out of the building and never come back. Your actions in this situation reveal your character and your ability to create sustainable connections. The best guide is a very old piece of advice, treat others the way you would want to be treated. With a little preparation and sensitivity, you will find your own path.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Executive Resume Writing Service

Executive Resume Writing ServiceAn online executive resume writing service can provide you with an efficient and effective way to meet your career goals. Your experience, education, work history, and contributions to the company will be effectively showcased in a great looking professional executive resume. It is necessary that you plan ahead and make sure you obtain the help of an experienced professional resume writer who understands how to write an executive resume to your advantage.To ensure you make the most of your chances to succeed at obtaining a successful executive resume, the first step you must take is to know what your chances are for success. Knowing your chances for success allows you to start your search for a qualified resume writer who will create an effective executive resume. You must understand that your odds of success are much better if you choose an online executive resume writing service.The time for hiring is always there for you to choose. There are many pe ople all over the country who have already used the services of an online executive resume writing service. They say that hiring an online executive resume writing service will help you find the best resume writer available at the best price. You must understand that no matter how good or experienced the writer you are dealing with may be, he/she will never be as good as you are in terms of writing a professional executive resume.Having a list of potential writers who can write an executive resume for you gives you an opportunity to select the best writer by spending time to get to know their capabilities. They should also be trained to handle different job profiles. That way you will be assured that the writer you are dealing with is capable of producing the best executive resume for you.If you don't think you can afford to hire an online executive resume writing service, you can look for freelance writers online. If you know someone who has worked with one, you may ask them about the writer's abilities. It is important that you take note of his/her ability to come up with the best possible resume for you. If you want a professional executive resume but can't afford the cost of hiring one, consider looking online for free online resumes from professional writers.Find a well-known and reputable online executive resume writing service. Compare the rates and ask about their services. Make sure you get all the information you need to make the right decision. Compare how often they update their resume writing service and check their staff qualifications to ensure they are professionals.You can also use your computer to search for various services that offer services in preparing an executive resume. There are many benefits of using the internet for your executive resume needs. You will save time and money and also be able to choose the best possible service.Hiring an online executive resume writing service is the right choice if you have trouble in finding the bes t resume writer for your career goals. You will benefit from this service and enjoy using the many advantages it offers you.